The Importance of Wearing Life Jackets During a River Float

Wearing a life jacket is a very important lifesaving practice necessary for every time you are out rafting, kayaking, or tubing. While it’s unlikely you’ll fall overboard on your leisurely float adventure, it is an important practice (and is the law on the Bow). Some people don’t believe this will happen to them but wearing a life jacket while on the water can save your life and it is better to be safe than sorry.
It’s estimated that at least 85% of people involved in a water accident were not wearing a PFD (personal flotation device). For your safety, it is the law to have a lifejacket for each person on any watercraft and not doing so could cost you hundreds of dollars!
How to Choose the Proper Life Jacket
The difference between life and death in the water can be determined by choosing the right personal floatation device for the type of activity you are doing on the water. Different life jackets can perform various tasks, such as rotating you so that your body is face up in the water, even if you are unconscious.
For your convenience and to take the guesswork out of the equation, Lazy Day Rafts provides PFDs as part of your rental. We have all sizes from infant to extra-large. Even your furry friends can join in safely!
The Benefits of a Life Jacket
- Keeps you warmer in the water: Though the Bow River is warmer than normal rafting rivers, on cooler days it can feel quite cold. Well-fitted life jackets act as wetsuits and keep the water under the vest much warmer than the surrounding water.
- Reduces the risk of drowning: Even if you can swim, wearing a life jacket will keep you safe in the event of an accident. Even the best swimmers will get tired after an average of 30 minutes of continuous swimming. Life jackets are designed to keep you safe and floating. Research proves that wearing a lifejacket increases your chances of survival by up to four times if you’re submerged in water.
Whenever you go out for a rafting activity, wear a well-fitted, well-maintained, and suitable lifejacket or personal floatation device.
Lazy Day Raft Rentals
We want you to be safe, comfortable, and confident every time you’re out on the water. We rent quality rafts, BowTubes, BowYaks, and Memba kayaks, with PFDs included in each rental. Your safety is our priority. Our friendly Lazy Day Crew will ensure you are completely informed about all safety features prior to starting your rafting experience.
You can reach us by calling (403) 258-0575, or email us at Visit us at 720 3rd Street NW Calgary, AB (in the rear of the Calgary Curling Club) to start your adventure today!